

What To Consider When Creating Videos For Generation Z

We won’t surprise you by saying that an ordinary person’s attention span is a little bit bigger than a fish’s. However, exactly how long is it? Be prepared for a scary fact, especially for anyone who works as a marketer. The attention span of a generation Z is only 8 seconds! That’s 4 seconds shorter… Read more

Who Are You? Top Tips On Creating An Unforgettable Brand

A strong brand is more than a well-known logo or name. It is about the meaning and consistency that the brand offers with a service or a product. For example, selling a pair of snickers is not that big a deal, but selling it with a purpose and multiple times is already another level. Therefore,… Read more

The four tips to enhance your App Store Ranking

In the competitive app ecosystem, to stand out, your App needs to focus on building user relationships before they have even interacted with your application. Therefore, to stand out in the ocean of Apps, we have prepared the four ASO strategies you can use to diversify your product and increase your overall app store ranking…. Read more

Changes in the App store, what awaits us? iOS 15

App Store is well known for its strict rules and regulations. For example, the App approval process can take up to a month, sometimes even longer. And while some believe that it is a necessity for User safety, others state that Apple is a ‘walled garden.’ However, everything is about to change, as the company… Read more

What is In-App Messaging?

What Is In-App Messaging? An in-app message, or native app content, is a message that a user gets while navigating the App after they have opened it. This kind of content allows creativity to pop up because there is no word count and limitation on the size of the message. As a result, you are… Read more