
We Generate Revenue For Your App From 70+ Traffic Sources

We are Adsbalance, Europe’s fastest-growing performance marketing agency for top App publishers and mobile brands.

Why choose Adsbalance

We work for your amazing triumph

Get the service you and your brand deserve

  • 24/7 support with no break

    on weekends or holidays! We respond with lightning speed.

  • Profound analysis of campaigns

    and professional advice free of charge.

  • Accurate business assistance

    regardless of your monthly budget.

Easy communication

  • Communicate with your

    personal partner from anywhere and anytime.

  • A secure single platform

    for convenient interaction with a manager.

  • All the campaign statistics

    in your tracking system are accessible via one point.

Reach your audience wherever they are

  • Today, Adsbalance advertising

    campaigns cover more than 70 countries on five continents.

  • 70+ traffic sources

    that are regularly updated and managed by dedicated departments.

  • Make your marketing global.

    Reach your premium users wherever they are.

Reach your ultimate goals as efficiently as possible

  • Set your hardest KPIs,

    and we’ll take care of the rest.

  • ROAS is optimised

    to ensure you earn more than you spend.

  • Decide what action

    you want to get through ads, and we’ll implement your request with various models.

Quality guarantee

  • We guarantee decent

    and good-quality traffic to your app.

  • We respect the security

    of your brand. We always approve creatives with you and make all required adjustments.

  • Your project is managed

    by the latest innovative services, as we update our technologies regularly.

Learn more about Our Service

1 billion+

installs generated

$46 mln

clients revenue in 2021


new banners & videos produced weekly


traffic sources

Verified by:

Our Cases



India’s own short video app

$200 000

Monthly budget

1 050 000+

Monthly volume installs



A live streaming platform

$500 000

Monthly budget

500 000+

Monthly volume installs

Rush Royale

Rush Royale

Mobile fantasy game

$200 000

Monthly budget

1 050 000+

Monthly volume installs



E-commerce app

$200 000

Monthly budget

587 000+


Rush Royale

Rush Royale

Mobile fantasy game

$200 000

Monthly budget

1 050 000+

Monthly volume installs



E-commerce app

$200 000

Monthly budget

587 000+

Orders placed



India’s own short video app

$200 000

Monthly budget

1 050 000+

Monthly volume installs



A live streaming platform

$500 000

Monthly budget

500 000+

Monthly volume installs

Your colleagues
already trust us





Learn more about our Clients & Cases

Design team

Free of charge creatives for your App

Backed up with data and crafted with love from amazing designers worldwide. We create remarkable App banners, 3D & game assets animation, video ads that your customers will notice!

We create bespoke
app marketing

solutions that reach millions of downloads and sales. To discover how:

Only the best
70+ traffic sources

taboola tiktok unity
mintegral shareit applovin
snapchat xiaomi myappfree
chartboost inmobi bigoads
Learn more about our Prices

Why work with an Agency?

Still not sure to work with an agency or hire your own media buyers? We hope that this short video will help come to a decision.

Do you want to
earn more money with a mobile App?

Get a free consultation from our app marketing experts