
Should I cut my marketing budget during the COVID-19 pandemy?

The pandemy and quarantine measures taken by the majority of governments have already affected nearly everyone involved in the production/services-consumption chain, or, maybe, just everyone? Despite the fact that some countries are already loosening the screws, it is still almost impossible to do long-term economiс forecasts, but the unanimous verdict so far is as follows:… Read more

Adjust access

To grant us view-only access to your app(s), follow these steps: Go to My Account (left navigation bar) Select the Users tab and select ADD USER Enter the following email address [email protected] and role (Reader) Select CREATE Or, if you want to give us access to specific apps only, choose CUSTOM when selecting the role,… Read more

Setting up

Under construction

Facebook app access

How to give Adsbalance access to your application: If your app is all set up (created and configured), you can give us agency to access your app. 1. First, make sure you have the admin permission to manage your app.  Then go to and then to My Apps. You will see the list of… Read more

AppsFlyer access

In Appsflyer you can grant us permission to configure the attribution link for you and map your in-app events so that we can receive the necessary data. To do so, go to the left side bar and find the Integrated partners tab (in Configuration) Find Adsbalance Agency and click Edit: Enable Activate partner and In-app… Read more